Shareholders meetings

Mixed Shareholders’ Meeting of may 12th 2021 and composition of the Board of Directors

12 maj 2021

Paris La Défense, on May 12th, 2021 – Nexans Annual Shareholders' Meeting was held at the Company head office on May 12th, 2021, behind closed doors, without the physical presence of shareholders. The shareholders approved all resolutions recommended by the Board of Directors with a record quorum of 83.3%. The results of the vote are available on the Nexans website at

In particular, shareholders approved the resolutions related to the appointment of Selma Alami, Director representing employee shareholders, and the renewal of the terms of office of Marc Grynberg, independent Director, Andrónico Luksic Craig and Francisco Pérez Mackenna, Directors proposed by the main shareholder Invexans Limited, Quiñenco Group, all for a period of four years.

The Shareholders’ Meeting was broadcasted live in French and English, and a replay will be available shortly on the website

The France Group Work Council also renewed the term of office of Angéline Afanoukoé as Director representing employees, for a period of four years.

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Élodie Robbe-Mouillot

VP Investor Relations

Press Relations

Corporate Communications

Maellys Leostic

Head of External Communication & Global Content

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